the newest wallpapers are at the bottom of the page


27 wallpapers all together


Click on an image to full size it!!!

Wallpapers made by:

Jelena Stojanovic



Click on an image to full size it!!!

Wallpapers made by:

Svetlana Todorovic
Milos Milovanovic

Thanx Ceco and Milose for your dedication of these cool wallpapers!!!


made by Jelena


Click on an image to full size it!!!

Wallpapers made by:

Svetlana Todorovic
Jelena Stojanovic


Click on an image to full size it!!!

Wallpapers made by:

Svetlana Todorovic



Click on an image to full size it!!!

Wallpapers made by:

Svetlana Todorovic


If you want to use these wallpapers, it's fine with us, but please link back or credit the wallpapers, thanx!!!